Richards Free Library Blog

APRIL 5, 2011
Busy Friends
These Friends of the Library are busy assembling the annual membership mailing.  The Friends do so much for the library.  They underwrite all the supplies and performers for the children and adult programs.  They purchase databases like Ancestry. com.  They pay our membership dues in the audio and e-book lending consortium and they buy books!

Won't you join?

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APRIL 1, 2011
Project R.A.B.B.I.T

Thursday evenings in March were extremely busy with the annual Project R.A.B.B.I.T.
(read a book because it's terrific!) events. The Richards School PTO hosts this program here at the library and at the school every year. Members of the Newport community are guest reader's who read to the children and their families. Pictured here is this year's Winter Carnival Queen, Malia King. Other reader's were Becky Merrow, Jason Avery, Jim Burroughs and Hillary and Glen Halleck. Thank you to all for another successful year!

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