Fracville Free Public Library

Talk to the Frackville Library

Help us to keep your library growing. We want to know what you think. Please join in our conversation.
APRIL 11, 2007
Libraries aren’t what they used to be…. quiet, dusty repositories of the classics where the bookworms among us banded together to wile away the hours reading in blessed silence, or the studious type came to do their homework. Back then, you wouldn’t hear much more than pencils scratching paper and quite possibly a pin drop. For better or worse, those days are gone. Libraries can be noisy, busy places. In fact, some libraries don’t even look like libraries anymore. Those old beat up tables and chairs we used to carve our names into are gone…replaced with comfortable sofas and chairs to lounge in. Libraries now sport coffee bars, and computer labs. We serve a broader range of the people in our communities by offering programs for all ages. Not just story times,and book discussions, but chess clubs, and knitting groups, and computer classes for seniors. This blog is just another way to try and serve our community. I hope you will make good use of it. You can start by giving us some ideas for future programs, or anything else you would like to see us offer in the future. For now, we can’t offer the comfortable couches or coffee, but we will make you feel welcome :-)

Add a comment  (2 comments) posted by o'blah



Matilda said, on May. 2 at 12:13PM
I think it is a great addition to library services to have the book discussions, chess clubs and knitting groups. I did not know there were computer classes for seniors. Tell me more about them


irish rose said, on May. 2 at 10:58PM
i love coming to the frackville library....i eat books so it seems and the girls know my taste in books, so they are very helpful in suggesting new books for me to read.... why go to barnes and noble or even walden books, the current best sellers can be rented for 50cents a week at the library... keep up the good work. i see the same faces at the computers so you are making the technologies available to some who cant afford it and find the library the place to be... there is a lot going on at our library, take the time to find out for yourself by visiting there, and oh yeah, support it too please. as the annual drive is now being held

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