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MARCH 31, 2010
Just finished reading...
     The Bell Ringers by Henry Porter. All I can say is, 'Gosh, this was a good book!' It really is one of the best contemporary novels I've read lately. Porter, a columnist for The Observer, has taken the present day UK (he assures us in the Afterword that the laws and surveillance systems he describes actually do exist right now) and turned it into a frightening place, where ordinary citizens can be targeted as lawbreakers by computer errors. David Eyam, a former security chief in the government, is killed in a bomb blast in Columbia after leaving his lofty position under a cloud of suspicion. His university friend and sometimes love, Kate Lockhart, comes to his funeral to mourn, but soon finds herself in the middle of a complicated and dangerous plan to bring down the current Prime Minister and try to preserve the rights of individuals. This book is filled with the kind of fascinating and appealing characters you would expect in a good British spy novel, but unlike some of the genre, this book moves quickly. Sites around London and the English countryside are the gorgeous background for Porter's truly exciting tale. If you are a fan of John LeCarre, Len Deighton, or the BBC TV show Spooks(MI5 here in the US), you really have to read this!    

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