Fracville Free Public Library

Talk to the Frackville Library

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DECEMBER 17, 2008
The Golden Ticket

    We are now taking reservations for the library's second annual Golden Ticket Dinner to be held on Sunday, January 25, 2009 at the Fountain Springs Country Inn. Each ticket costs $125 and entitles the purchaser to one raffle chance to win, two prime rib dinners and four drinks(choice of beer or wine). Only three hundred tickets will be sold with a grand prize of $2500!  Those who attended last year will surely agree that the dinner was delicious and the company was top notch. Also, there is absolutely no conflicting football game this year! Support your library by reserving your ticket today. You can even request your favorite number(first come, first served). Payment is due by January 10, 2009. Call us at 874-3382 for information and reservations, or use our contact page at

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