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SEPTEMBER 25, 2007
Celebre El Mes Hispánico De la Herencia

September 15th marked the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month.  CCPL owns Spanish-language versions of many favorite children’s books, including Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Click, Clack, Moo, and Goodnight Moon, as well as children's DVDs and music.  Click here to see our collection of Spanish-language materials.  We also own a wide selection of bilingual Spanish-language materials.  Below are a few books to help start the celebration!

America's Latinos: Their Rich History, Culture, and Traditions by Julie Amparano

Fiesta U.S.A. by George Ancona

Hispanic-American Crafts Kids Can Do! by Fay Robinson

The New York Public Library Amazing Hispanic American History: A Book of Answers for Kids by George Ochoa

F is for Fiesta by Susan Middleton Elya

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Categories: ChildrenBooksMulticultural
