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AUGUST 12, 2009
You must remember this...



Memory is a human’s mental ability to store and recall information. It sounds so easy… and yet…. 

 I must apologize: last Wednesday, my day to Blog, here… I forgot. In my defense I was arriving home from vacation and spent most of the day in the air or airport, but in truth, this is really a lame excuse. Sadly, I did not forget about this venue or my commitment to write… I forgot it was Wednesday.
As much as I would now like to blame this displacement in time on my travels, I can’t. In fact, my world and relationship to memory is dualistic. In the abstract, I have an amazing memory. I consider it a gypsy curse. I can recall images of being less than a year old in my crib. I can with little effort remember conversations, things seen, what I wore, ate, did at most times. I can picture a calendar and with a little work, recreate the events of a given week.
However, in specific, ask me what day of the week it is, what year it is, important dates, what is happening tomorrow, what I was about to go do when I was interrupted… I have to go look it up or reinvent the wheel. Consequently, each Wednesday it’s a surprise and the others here are often way too nice to say to me, ‘Hey Su, ah… remember its Wednesday??”
I’ve often wondered about memory. Why some things stick and others don’t. Why some times the information is just there, but not others. In particularly I am intrigued by the things I have forgotten.
There is a lot of research out there about memory, many theories, but still much that is unknown. Perhaps someday, I’ll have time to truly investigate this topic… if I only remember to do so!
If you’d like to explore the issue of memory 
check out this material @ your library!


False memory / Dean Koontz.


50 first dates [DVD videorecording] / Columbia Pictures presents a Happy Madison/Anonymous Content and Flower Films production, a film by Peter Segal ; produced by Jack Giarraputo, Steve Golin, Nancy Juvonen ; written by George Wing ; directed by Peter Segal.


  Forgetting : when to worry, what to do / Joan C. Breitung.

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