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JULY 31, 2009
Trash to Tunes

Trash to Tunes


On Wednesday morning we had Dr. Dennis Waring here for his program ‘Trash to Tunes.’ He brought with him a wide array of instruments; a mouth bow, a bull roarer, a conch shell, flutes, banjo’s, drums, and more, most of them homemade. With each instrument he told us the history and uses of it and, if it was homemade, how to make one ourselves. Plus he played a variety of songs with the different instruments, in styles ranging from folk to rap. He ended the program by having kids join him in a jug-band. He was very interesting and funny, he kept the audience of kids ages 3-13 tuned in the whole time!



 Dennis playing his 'Flying V' guitar rock-n-roll style! The guitar was made from a piece of wood, some strings, and some cardboard.



Here he is playing the steel drums, made of different sized tin cans held together with tape. I'm sure some of the kids in the audience went straight home to look for their own tin cans - much to their parents delight! 

Here Dennis is helping one of our young patrons play the wash-bucket bass, made from a wash bucket, broom handle, and string. This little guy was pretty good at playing too - even though the bass was taller than he was!

Summer Reading is coming to an end soon, only two weeks until our big party. I'm looking forward to our programs next week which include Candy Sushi and Duct Tape Lunch Bags. Hope to see you there! 

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JULY 29, 2009
Name that book!

I am a correspondent from the field this week. We flew out of Hartford and into Huntsville, Alabama. Since then we have traveled South to Birmingham, down to Montgomery, across to Selma and then West on to Jackson Mississippi, and still further West to Vicksburg Ms, into Louisiana, where we turned north and have traveled in to Arkansas. I am writing this from Pine Bluff, AR.

As we’ve traveled this tour of the South, I’ve thought of some of the great books I’ve read that take place here. I can see Scout on these red dirt roads. John Singer in a boarding house. I’ve seen Eudora Welty’s house in Jackson, MS, where she wrote her Pulitzer Prize wining novel. Also the house in Montgomery, AL where F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote his famous tale of cover up, love and insanity staring Rosemary, Nicole and Dick. I’ve bought water at the Winn Dixie, but thankfully no dog followed me home. Books are everywhere!

Can you identify these books?

They’re all @ your library!

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JULY 26, 2009
Swimsuit follies!

Alright already...I give up. How can my computer know? It's almost eerie and if I didn't know better I'd wonder who was watching. You see, it's that time of year again. The time when I try to fit my size 10 body into my size 8 bathing suit. Well, you know how it is, the results are, to say the least, disheartening. So how is it that the very day of my last bathing suit try on, I open my email and the fun site of the day from Smart Computing is one that reminds me what 200 calories of food looks like. Somehow the 8 Hershey kisses don't look as filling as what has to constitute approx. 2 1/2 apples, but I ask you, do apples taste as good as those sweet chocolate pieces? Alas, the site is a good visual reminder that I could be making better food choices.; 1/2 of a honeydew melon vs. a handful of those yummy gummy bears or a bazillion baby carrots vs. a rice krispies marshmallow treat.

Several years ago when I decided to lose some weight, my initial encouragement and help came from Eat more, weigh less : Dr. Dean Ornish's life choice program for losing weight safely while eating abundantly. This book clearly pointed out to me the quantity of food I could eat to help the full feeling if I changed my food choices. Later, another book reinforced this concept. Dr. Shapiro's picture perfect weight loss 30 day plan / Howard M. Shapiro. This one seems to have gone missing from our library but could be interlibrary loaned Dr. Shapiro asks "One measly muffin or a tableful of breads and fresh fruit?" Recently a series of books in the Eat this not that! supermarket survival guide : the no-diet weight loss solution / by David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding provide a similar approach to choosing our food. Take the book as a guide to "scour the aisles to help you pick the most nutrient-packed produce, the leanest, tastiest cuts of meat, exotic cheeses that double as healthy snacks, and the best contaminant-free fish the ocean has to offer".

All great books but none quite address the issues of satiety or why I eat. Looking to those library shelves again I found these recent books which might help with the psychology of eating:

Mindless eating : why we eat more than we think / Brian Wansink.
Eating the moment : 141 mindful practices to overcome overeating one meal at a time / Pavel G. Somov.
The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite David Kessler

If back to the books doesn't help it may be back to the swimsuit racks for me. Wish me luck!




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JULY 24, 2009

 The cover has just been released for the next Wimpy Kid book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid; Dog Days (the book won’t be out until Oct 12th). This one is about the Heffley family on their summer vacation. Take a looksie:




I just love this series. We read the first one in our book club this year. It’s really funny, a very quick read, and such an easy sell to reluctant readers. I’ve sent it home with quite a few kids already this summer. For those who have not read it, the books are “novels in cartoons,” following the ‘diary’ of middle schooler Greg Heffley. In a statement about the new book Jeff Kinney said, “I’m very excited about Dog Days, because it takes Greg out of the school setting for the first time. It’s been a lot of fun to write about the Heffley summer vacation.”



Plus…there is going to be a 'Wimpy Kid Ice Cream Truck Tour' this summer. It is coming to CT, just not close by us (New Haven and Stamford). Copy and paste the link below for details:


Some other new graphic novels to be on the look out for over the next couple months:


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JULY 22, 2009
All books are equal, but some are more equal than others.

I heard some interesting news earlier this week… apparently Big Brother is watching! Amazon’s Kindle made news this week when they ‘recalled’ purchased e-book copies of Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1984. 

 Apparently, the company that had provided the electronic copies of these titles did so without permission, thus the copy purchased was illegal and had no right to be sold. In response, Amazon remotely removed these fugitives from the devices of those who had purchased them. Later they commented that perhaps this had not been the best course of action.
This troubles me on so very many levels.
First, let me preface this by saying I am not a Kindle or electronic book fan. Personally, I as much as I love gadgets and electronics I don’t like to ‘read’ on screen. As a  Librarian, I don’t like electronic books for a number of reasons: it’s expensive equipment easily stolen and broken if used by the masses. Kindle’s licensing in particular states that it cannot be circulated among library patrons and I had always had concerns about the stability of the text. By this, I was thinking – hard drives crash. How many of us have lost papers, software, music because whatever machine we had downloaded or saved to suddenly went tilt? True, my print text could fall into a puddle of water or something, but this is definitely within my control. The crashed hard drive is definitely not.
When purchasing such e-books, one is advised of the ways they are not really ‘book like’. They cannot easily be shared, traded or re-sold. They are dependant upon a power source and are certainly not “green.”  One cannot easily pick it up, scan it’s pages, etc.  There are no easy options for notes in a margin, highlighting and so forth.
But this news story has provided me new twist to think about. Sure there are the clear issues of intellectual property. There are issues of copyright and sales. There are the issues I’ve seen raised by irate purchasers: they BOUGHT the book and now they don’t have it!  Will they get reimbursed? But what troubles me the most is… how could Amazon erase these books off people’s gadgets? Just like that - a decision in an office and the contents of something on my night stand, that I didn't realize was communicating back to its home planet, changes: poof.
Now, I don’t really literally mean – how in terms of technology – wifi, cell phones, satellites – I know even super spy technology exists… but think about what this means. If Amazon in some corporate office can hit a button and the book that you downloaded on your free standing machine can disappear, what else can happen? Can “they” know what your reading?  Can "they" know where you are? A human GPS?  What about what page you’ve lingered on? Can "they" erase other things from other places?  "They" know when we search the site, but now "they" know things from the free standing equipment that is your 'book'.
Several years ago when cable boxes were first introduced, I remember reading an insert from the company that assured customers that while the technology was there for that box to work as a camera, capturing images from the home and transmitting them back to the cable company, this would of course not happen.  I wish I had kept that brocure, but at the time, I just laughed.  Some times I waved to the box, after all you never knew.
Now, I find this idea... uncomfortable. Okay, I admit that this all sounds a little paranoid and I might be sounding like Moulder or a conspiracy theorist. I am not really worried about this… but on principle, I don’t like it. Big brother maybe watching, but he does not have my permission to play with my toys.
For more information about the Kindle story see:


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JULY 20, 2009
Dimes from heaven

 A few years ago an article in the Minnesota Women's Press, caught my eye. Glenda Martin's column, mentions The Horizontal World: Growing Up Wild in the Middle of Nowhere (available through used book stores) by Debra Marquart. Glenda states “Marquart tells about finding dimes in the most unlikely places after her father's death”. Here's my story...

Recently, while walking I spotted my dime a few steps ahead of me. An older couple a few feet to my right spotted it too and before I could pick it up the woman bent and scooped it up. As I drew nearer I said, “oh, you picked up my dime.” The man looked at me skeptically but I continued, “my dad leaves them for me.” A look passed between them and the man gruffly stated “well, if you need it so badly” even as the woman started to hand the dime to me. I laughed and said, “oh, no, you keep it please but would you let me tell you why I think it's mine.” I'm certain by now the man thought I was a lunatic and he better humor me but the woman said,”go ahead dear”. So I told her the story of seeing a letter in a magazine from a woman who felt angels were leaving her dimes in unexpected places as a reminder of her dear father who had passed away. I could understand this woman's need for connection with her father as mine had passed away quite recently and I was struggling with the loss. So I chuckled and said “ok, dad, would you leave me a dime so I know you are fine”.Within the day those shiny reminders started showing up in the strangest places. A wooded path, my seat at a restaurant, in my grocery bag, the condiment counter at McDonald's. Sometimes days will go by and then I'll think, where are you dad? and there the dime will be, right in my range of vision. Not pennies, or nickels but dimes! My husband and I have begun calling the dimes I find, A Dad! Just yesterday, walking across the grocery store parking lot, there it was; my dime, my comfort. Though some may think these dimes are only found money, I prefer to think of them as a gift from my dad.

You'll find lots of books about Spiritualism and Parapsychology beginning in the 130's of non-fiction.

Besides a slew of fiction here's a couple of of non-fiction titles specifically about angels that you'll find in our library:

Angel Letters by Sophie Burnham
A Book of Angels by Sophie Burnham
The valkyries : an encounter with angels by Paulo Coelho
Angels in America DVD

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JULY 17, 2009

Much to my shame, it took me until a few weeks ago to take home Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight. You know, the series that has turned into a pop culture phenomenon with teen girls across the country swooning. I just never really wanted to read it…and it was long…and it’s a series, with three other big thick books in it. BUT, I had to be one of the only librarians in the country who hadn’t read it, and at every book group I had this year the conversation would inevitably turn from the book we were discussing to Edward vs. Jacob. I was starting to feel out of the loop.




So, as I said, a few weeks ago I took out Twilight on audio – technically I listened to it, I didn’t ‘read’ it. And I’m actually a little nervous to put my opinion out there on this blog, but…. I didn’t like it. Sorry. Let me defend myself a little. Remember I listened, so reading it may have been a different experience, but here were my thoughts:


  1. Bella seemed whiny and depressing, not special.
  2. Not the books fault, but I could only picture Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson from the movie, meaning I couldn’t make up my own images in my head, one of the best reasons to read a good book.
  3. Out of 11 discs it took until about disc 8 to get anywhere…I knew the Cullen’s were vampires, so 8 discs of listening to long passages about Edwards eyes really bored me.
  4. All the looking at each other and smiling and grimacing and eye talk made me think that the writing was like a bad episode of MTV’s The Hills.
  5.  I think Stephen King got it right when he said, “Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn.” She used an adverb at the end of almost EVERY sentence…in ways that I didn’t even know you could use them. This is what is started to sound like to me:


“She looked at him icily. He looked at her measuringly. She said blah blah blah astonishedly. He glared back beauteously…”        


Now, maybe I wouldn’t have noticed on paper, but by the 5th disc I was cringing every time I heard one.


I’m sorry if I’m being harsh. I can see the teen girl appeal, and I actually WANT to see the movie now. I’m guessing (and hoping!) that this post will get a lot of comments. If you think I’m way off – tell me! If you think I need to read the book and the rest of the series – convince me! If you agree – let me know!


Until then, it’s just me and Stephen King against the world.





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JULY 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Mr. Cussler

Called ‘last Grand Master of the American action adventure novel,’ author and celebrity, Clive Cussler was born today, July 15, 1931. Of course, he has name recognition for me, although I have not (yet) read his work. However, since the name was so familiar and I could picture book covers, I did a brief search online – just out of curiosity. 

A simple search, name in quotes resulted in over 900,000 hits! But this is not the interesting part. As I started to investigate… wow. 
First, Mr. Cussler is very prolific. Since his first published work in 1965, he’s not only published fiction and non-fiction, but has over 50 books to his credits.   Four co-authored books are scheduled for release in 2009:
Corsair with Jack DuBrul (released in March)
Medusa with Paul Kemprecos (released in June)
Spartan Gold with Grant Blackwood (September)
Wrecker with Justin Scott (November)
Previous to his writing career he worked as a copywriter at an advertising agency, reaching the post of creative director. In this capacity he produced television and radio commercials, many of his commercials receiving international awards including the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival Award.
His first non-fiction work, The Sea Hunters (1996) was accepted in lieu of a dissertation at the SUNY Maritime College and Cussler was awarded a Doctor of Letters degree in 1997. The first time in the college’s history for this to occur.
Though for me, the most interesting thing about this dedicated author is that he is the founder of NUMA:   The National Underwater and Marine Agency.
As taken from the organization’s website:
The National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA) is a 501C3 non-profit, volunteer foundation dedicated to preserving our maritime heritage through the discovery, archaeological survey and conservation of shipwreck artifacts.
Our purpose is also to reinforce public appreciation of our marine past, present and future by initiating and supporting projects designed to uncover and explore historically significant shipwrecks before they are lost and gone forever.
Our goals include the protection of these historic sites through public information programs and to make available archaeological reports and data on technical expertise while perpetuating the names and legends of the sea-loving men and women who came before us.
Through the work of NUMA over 60 historically significant underwater wreck sites have been discovered, including the C.S.S. Hunley, best known as the first submarine to sink a ship in battle; the Housatonic, the ship the Hunley sank; the U-20, the U-boat that sank the Lusitania; the Cumberland, sunk by the famous ironclad, Merrimack; the Confederate raider Florida; the Navy airship, Akron; the Republic of Texas Navy warship, Zavala, found under a parking lot in Galveston, Texas; and the remains of the Carpathia, the valiant ship that braved icebergs to rescue the survivor's of the Titanic.
If you’d like to find out more about Mr. Cussler or read his work, you can find them @ the library!

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JULY 12, 2009

   It's hard to believe but I can remember seeing fireworks when I was as young as three. They made that much of an impression on me. At first, a bit terrified by the booms, I soon was awed by their beauty. Those were the days when you could purchase real fireworks, unlike the the sparklers and fountains available today. The kind that when you lit the fuse, shot into the air, burst into a brilliant display of color and exploded with a loud boom. Mishandled fireworks caused many injuries and even deaths eventually leading to laws in many states, including Connecticut, prohibiting their sale only to licensed, professional protectionists. While once there were fireworks stands the whole route  from New Britain to Middletown, these became a thing of the past during my childhood.

I absolutely love fireworks. As the summer months approach, I await the 4th of July with trembling anticipation; the official start of the firework season. For me it starts with a trip to Riverfest in Hartford, then the following weekend finds me at Sailfest in New London (my hands down favorite display) and weekly trips to Mohegan Sun each Wednesday for their rooftop show. If there are fireworks nearby I'll be there.

A highlight of our trip to China a few years back was seeing fireworks in the country credited with their beginnings. According to George Plimpton in Fireworks: A History and Celebration, this may not be true but the Chinese did know how to use gunpowder to fire a projectile out of a barrel. Another awesome firework display takes place at Longwood Gardens, PA where music, fountains and fireworks are choreographed in a jaw-dropping performance.

Firework displays have come a long way in my lifetime. George Plimpton notes that old timers made the fireworks in the winter, shot them in the summer, leaving the largest for last. With that last huge band you knew that was the end of the show. Then came electronically programmed displays, changing the craft. Today, with computer synchronization, fireworks are a real art. In the US most are performed by Italian families, The Zambellis, The Rozzis and The Gruccis each perfecting their craft, keeping their secrets. Competition among these families is keen. The Grucci's alone have been in the business for 130 years. After a horrific explosion destroyed their 14 acre facility in Bellport , NY and killed two family members in 1983, The Grucci's wondered if they would continue producing and performing. They received so much mail from fans around the world encouraging them, that they are still in business today.

We are fortunate that through the sponsorship of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, The Grucci's have performed Sailfest fireworks for years. I went last night. The twenty-five minute display was spectacular, the booms, heart-pounding. I'm certain the estimated 300,000 in attendance agreed.


Though there's not a great deal of material on fireworks try these from our library
Kaboom! The Sizzling story of Explosions
The Firemaker's Daughter by Philip Pullman
Music for the Royal Fireworks CD CLASSICAL HANDEL

or borrow this one Interlibrary Loan:
Fireworks: A History and Celebration by George Plimpton


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JULY 10, 2009
Summer Fun!

Well, we've had another busy week here at the Saxton B!

Tuesday we had Rocky from the New Britain Rock Cats Baseball Team visit us for Story Time. We read some baseball stories:


Then Rocky stayed for some crafts:


Tuesday afternoon we had a blackout: 


On Wednesday we did Andy Warhol style self portraits: 


They came out AWESOME! We have some great Warhol books for kids too: 


Yesterday we had an indoor campfire. There was a tent to read in, tie dye bandannas, sleeping bag puppets, camp pictures, and of course smores!


We have a ton of great childrens books about camping....and even more books of scary stories for those who dare:


Have a great weekend - enjoy the nice weather!! 








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JULY 8, 2009
Not in Kansas Anymore

According to Wikipedia, a most unreliable source, it was July 8, 1680 that the first confirmed tornado in America killed a servant in Cambridge, Ma. This seems highly suspect to me, as how many tornados usually show up in Cambridge? However it is confirmed by the book, The Tornado by T.P. Grazulis.

Still, this tidbit of information attracted my attention since tornados have been figuratively crossing my path for a while. It’s funny how topics surface this way.
First, in the last book I was reading, How to Build a House by Dana Reinhardt, a tornado played a significant role.  This is a YA novel about a young woman who joins a group much like Habitat for Humanity and helps build a house for a family in a small Tennessee town devastated by a tornado.   Of course she learns about friendship and life lessons along the way. 
Then, I heard that a tornado had touched down in Wethersfield, CT very recently. I travel through that region frequently. At first, I was skeptical, were they sure it was a tornado? But yes, having seen the damage first hand, there is little doubt. On one house that I pass with regularity, the large metal star ornament that adorned the spot above their door has been turned inside out! It’s five points now reach out like a jellyfish swimming away. My sympathies go out to those who live there.
Finally,  I am currently reading Sing Them Home by Stephanie Kallos.  The novel is about family and community, but centers around an event that took place before the novel begins. The event is, of course, a tornado, but not just any tornado, one which swept up a woman who has never been found. The book and characters are compelling, but I’m not sure if I like the book.   It has made me wonder though, about tornados.
The mystery of tornados has been around for a long time. Dorothy had caused me to associate them with Kansas, but really that’s not so. The little research I’ve done indicates that a tornado can happen any where the meteorological situation is right: most simply when warm moist air meets cold and dry air.  
While I have no interest in experience a tornado or it’s aftereffects first hand, I do recommend these books…

All of these books and more are available @ your library!

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JULY 6, 2009
Josephine Cottle

      It seems sad to me somehow that the death of The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, June 26th, overshadowed the passing of some other celebrities this past week. Perhaps lesser known, but stars in their own right...Farrah Fawcett, Karl Malden, and one, who started life as Josephine Cottle. Cottle, better known to many as Gale Storm, died June 27th at the age of 87 (obituary at A Queen of Comedy she shared this title with the likes of Joan Davis and Lucille Ball.

As a kid I laughed and watched her antics in the popular tv comedy My Little Margie. In the series, which aired from 1952 to 1956, Ms. Storm played the part of Margie Albright, the 21 year old daughter of Vernon Albright (Charles Farrell), an investment counselor of the firm Honeywell & Todd. Vernon, a widower and Margie resided on 5th Avenue, New York. Margie's main purpose in life was to help her father out, usually resulting in quite the opposite outcome and always with good, clean fun and humor. The show has been compared to other sitcoms of that era, I Married Joan, Life With Elizabeth, all inspired by the success of I Love Lucy. She went on to play in another series comedy, The Gale Storm Show-Oh Susanna, where she played Susanna Pomeroy, the social director of the ocean liner S.S. Ocean Queen.
I loved the musical theme of the show, Bows and Strings In Teasing, composed by Alexander Lazlo. That and the invariable ending when Albright would nod his head and sigh, "Well, That's my little Margie!".
You can find many of the old episodes on the net and can read more about Ms. Storm and sitcom series in these books:

Castleman, Harry, and Walter J. Podrazik. Harry and Walter's Favorite Shows: A Fact-Filled Opinionated Guide to the Best and Worst on TV. New York: Prentice Hall, 1989.

Mitz, Rich. The Great TV Sitcom Book. New York: Perigee, 1983.

Storm, Gale. I Ain't Down Yet. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1981.

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JULY 2, 2009
The Week in Review

Busy, busy, busy Saxton Bees…


We have had a lot going on at the library over the past week! Between the rainy weather driving people in and Summer Reading Programs, it seems like we’re always crowded!


Here’s a little glimpse of some things we’ve been up to:




Tails of Joy! Kids read to Therapy dogs at the library this past Saturday. It was by far one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. The dogs behaved PERFECTLY – a far cry my monster at home!




On Monday, a bunch of kids worked together to create a large version of Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Turned out pretty good – we’ve got some real talented young artists here in Columbia.



Wednesday kids came by to make instruments. They worked on spin drums, rhythm sticks, and harps…I’m sure their parents were super excited to listen to the music they’d be making for the rest of the day – ha!


Today (Thurs.) we’re showing the movie Bolt –complete with popcorn.


If you missed all the fun this week you should definitely sign up for next weeks events…


Rock Cat Story Time on Tuesday.


Warhol Self Portraits on Wednesday.


INDOOR Kids Campfire on Thursday.


See you soon!


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JULY 1, 2009
Moving Day

Due to circumstance often beyond my control, (such as a leaky roof the landlord wouldn't fix)  I have moved a lot! About 20 times off the top of my head, so many times that we own our own hand truck and have the ability to pack a truck down to a science.  We used to do it all ourselves, but two moves ago we decided we were too old, too sore, our stuff had multiplied too much and it wasn’t worth it.  Still, some moves have been very memorial:

 When I thought we might be moving from CT to Oregon and hearing horror stories about cross country moving vans, I insisted we itemized everything we owned with a list that coordinated box numbers. 100 boxes.  We didn’t move to Oregon.
There was the move from CT to NY, when my father, often our truck driver, thought he knew where he was going, but didn’t. This was pre-cell phone days and it took a while for us to meet up with him and our stuff, but we did eventually find each other on the side of the Mass Pike.
When we moved to D.C., again my father drove and being young and foolish we did everything ourselves. On the way down, my husband, who was always responsible for the heavy lifting received two stitches in his hand from a nasty cut., but he didn’t want to post pone. We loaded the truck after work and ER visit and finished about 2:00 am. My father, again the driver, suggested that since we were all traveling down and back in the truck, we leave then. We could nap, he could drive. (He was retired by then and had neither worked all day or stayed up while we loaded up.)
It sounded like it made sense at the time. We arrived not so fresh at 8:00 am. The apartment key didn’t work. There was a window that wouldn’t lock. Still… we unloaded, got all the details taken care of , my dad napped and by 5:00 pm, we were exhausted. But our driver was bright eyed and restless… So, again, it seemed like it made sense for him to drive and us to sleep, so we came home. Sleeping in the cab of an empty 18 foot  truck, bouncing across the Cross Bronx Expressway at 2:00 am is not fun. We returned the truck a day early and swore we would NOT do THAT again.
Apparently today, July 1, is Moving Day in Canada. This is an official, legal day. According to the information that I have dug up, this “public holiday” started over thirty years ago when the province used to provide fixed terms for leases of rental properties. Eventually, not wanting all the leases to come up either in winter or when it interfered with student’s school schedules, the day became the 1st of July.  According to a Canadian newspaper, Hydro-Quebec reported 100,000 changes of address last year in Quebec and they believe the figure will probably be about the same this year.
All I can say is, I’m very, very, VERY glad to not be moving.
But… if you are or are thinking about it, you might want to check out these titles @ your library. 

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