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OCTOBER 17, 2008
Who are you callin a sissy?

Banned Books week has passed, it took place Sept. 27 – Oct. 5. Some of you may remember all those mysteriously wrapped up books on display, the ones with caution tape and censored stamps, and some of you may have read my post to this blog on Banned Books week. During the time we had our display up a LOT of 'banned' books went out to our patrons. There was definitely something tempting about taking out a book all wrapped up without knowing what it was. Sort of a present and a forbidden fruit effect all in one. We got a lot of questions from our patrons about banned books, and a lot of comments from those who took one home to read. Some enjoyed the book they took and really couldn't figure out why it was ever challenged in the first place, and some didn't like the book at all. But that was really the whole point, take it out, read it, and form YOUR OWN opinion. Now the books are no longer wrapped, they are back on our shelves where they always were.

However, one 9 year old boy got our staff talking about banned books again. Yesterday when we brought in the books from our book drop, the children's book The Sissy Duckling, by Harvey Fierstein, had a little note sticking out from it. Here's what it said:

“I think this book is good for five and up, and for boys and girls. I enjoyed the book very much. It's just like any other children's book. Why is it being banned? It's just like any other book. Put this book on the shelves again.”

The staff was thrilled. I was elated. This boy took the time to think and respond to the 'banned' book that he took out – exactly what we hoped our patrons would do. I wrote him a letter back yesterday. I explained that the book was still on our shelves and thanked him for taking the time to think and ask about what he had read.

For those curious, The Sissy Duckling is a story about Elmer, a boy duckling who gets called a sissy by others. He likes to bake cakes and paint while all the other boys are building forts and playing baseball. But, when his father gets hit by a hunter, Elmer ends up being the big hero. Many reviews find the book cute or touching, and commend it for its positive messages about accepting differences and being true to yourself. The book has been challenged in some libraries and schools because of it's “gay-positive theme.” For those REALLY curious, come to the library and check out the book yourself!

Add a comment  (1 comment) posted by Megan Q



Connie said, on Oct. 18 at 6:16AM
What a heartwarming story. Reminds us again how much we can learn from children--if we would only listen.

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