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MAY 2, 2010
Button, Button, Where is the Button?

   Recently when I went to wear a new shirt, I had to cut the tags off. I never cut tags until I know I'm actually going to keep my purchase. I also cut off the extra button provided, you know that little plastic package with a snippet of thread and one extra button just in case you lose one somewhere down the road. If you're like me you have a bunch of these "extras" hidden away somewhere. Just look at the picture to see a sampling of mine. Now IF I lose the button before the shirt wears out, the question becomes will I actually sew a new one on the shirt. If the button is on the top or the bottom, I'll probably just forget it, who'll ever know. It's not like you're going to see it. If I like the shirt and the missing button is in a conspicuous place, I might decide to sew a new one on. IF I can find the button I so nicely put away for this occasion. How often does this happen? Maybe once in a lifetime! And even IF I do find the little plastic bag with just the right button, will I really use the snippet of thread? Wouldn't it make more sense to just throw the whole thing away as soon as I release it from the shirt? 

Look at the can of buttons I've accumulated over the years. If you've got a similar collection hanging around do I have a couple of books for you.


Button it up : 80 amazing vintage button projects for necklaces, bracelets,
embellishments, housewares, & more / Susan Beal


Bead and button, ribbon and felt jewelry : 35 sewing-box treasures to make and give / Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell

And what would a conversation about buttons be without mentioning my all time favorite button story:

Corduroy by Don Freeman which tells the story of a cuddly bear who sits on a shelf in a department store. One night he climbs down from the shelf to find his missing button and well, you read the rest of the story (ours seems to be missing at the moment, but I know we'll remedy that soon). Oops, found it again. Knew we had to have this classic in our collection.



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Mercedes said, on May. 3 at 7:30PM
I have the same collection and wonder sometimes - should I just throw them all away? But I don't. Now I not only have buttons from my shirts but also from my girls. It's become quite a collection! And, coincidentally, I was just talking about Corduroy the other day. Also one of my favorite books as a child and one I have not yet introduced my daughters to. Glad you found it, I'm going to have to take it home now!


Staca said, on May. 13 at 4:55PM
Speaking of buttons- I hung one of Robert's shirts on the back of a door so I could sew a button on it...well, he came in the kitchen this morning wearing it, with the top button missing and all. I had SUCH a laugh because he dislikes his chest hair showing and I told him he looked like a Guido! He decided to wear it anyway! The books look neat- I should check them out. AND I love Corduroy- you used to read that to us all the time!


CarolK said, on May. 14 at 5:11AM
Funny story about that Robert. Maybe you should read Corduroy to him!

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