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FEBRUARY 5, 2009
But he's so cute!

We are currently experiencing a ‘mouse problem’ in the Library. This is a common, and often undiscussed, problem of Libraryland.   In my past, I’ve trapped these little furry friends in cups and garbage cans, I’ve yelped as they’ve sprung from book drops and confirmed the ‘evidence’ of their presence. 

 I had a Library Volunteer once who was so afraid of the creatures that she not only couldn’t bring her self to say “that word” but couldn’t cover a book with a mouse on the cover. I, however, have a soft spot for the little fellows.  I admit that I am in the minority when I say that I harbor fantasies of saving the little guys. (Wouldn’t it be fun to have mice in the children’s section? Somewhere, Megan has just shuddered.)  
There are of course, far more reasons to eliminate them, than to rescue them. I am currently outvoted and we have been trying various means to ‘take them out.’ But I can’t help but feel like a hitman.   So… dear readers, I ask for your assistance! Peer pressure. Cast your vote – Save the Mice!
And in case you are on the fence ….
    Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O'Brien
From back in the day when there was a National Institute of Mental Health, comes this great story about making friends and protecting one's family.
  The Witches by Roald Dahl
If you were turned into a mouse by evil witches, what would YOU do?
  The Tale of Despereaux by Kate Dicamillo
Sometimes a mouse is destined for great things.
 Baby Mouse: Our Hero  by Jennifer Holm
Even a baby mouse can be a superhero.

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Annonymous said, on Feb. 5 at 10:06AM
Well, you know if you'd stop feeding mice cookies, as in "If You Give a Mouse A Cookie" by Laura Joffe Numeroff... As a person who collects mice figurines and has hundreds of the little cute guys and gals, it's hard for me to "off" them. On the other hand when the live ones are eating me out of house and home and leaving their evidence everywhere, well, what to do! My vote, bye-bye mice by whatever means works.


Megan Q. said, on Feb. 5 at 12:07PM
Su, you're right, I am shuddering somewhere ;) Although my disdain for the live ones doesn’t transfer to the fictional ones – both Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH and The Witches were favorites of mine growing up!


Janet said, on Feb. 6 at 12:59PM
Saw your link on fiction-l, love your blog and the way you've tied these titles into your mouse problem (which we are dealing with also!)...Last year I caught one in a waste basket then dropped it in the snow outside...


Joanne said, on Feb. 8 at 1:44PM
I too, do have a special place in my heart for the ficitonal little critters. However, the live ones do not share that place. Sorry mice but you have to go.


Mercedes said, on Feb. 9 at 8:24AM
Is there any more lovable creature (in books) than a little mouse? Right now, my daughter is exclaiming "Stuart!" Kids love 'em. Maybe we could have one cute little mouse in a cage in the children's section? :) Or you could borrow my cat - she's a great mouser; she's just not good at cleaning up afterwards.

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