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JANUARY 18, 2011
Belmar's Teen Services Librarian!
Allison as a KidIt may not always seem like it, but I do know my alphabet, really I do! I learned it a long time ago.

A is for Allison. That's me.

B is for Boston, Massachusetts, my homeland.

C is for Cooking, a favorite pastime.

D is for David. He's my older brother. We used to torment each other a lot but now we are good friends.

E is for Elephants. Aren't they awesome animals?

F is for le Français. I had to learn French as a kid and loved it so much that it was my major in college.

G is for Glee, a favorite television show.

H is for Howland. That's the last name of the pilgrim who fell off the Mayflower and was rescued. I am related to him.

I is for Iceland. I had a bet with my Dad when I was a kid: if I got all A's on my report card, he would take me to the Hard Rock Café in Reykjavik. I got the grades and he still hasn't paid up…

J is for James Franco. I can't help it; I have a bit of a crush!

K is for Kendall, my middle name. It is also the middle name of my mom, my grandfather, and a cousin. I like that we share it.

L is for Louie, my 13-year-old blind kitty cat.

M is for Melina Marchetta. She's a favorite author of mine.

N is for Nose. I stuck a green pea up my nose as a kid. The doctor removed it with the biggest tweezers known to humankind.

Allison and her FamilyO is for the Outdoors. I love to go hiking.

P is for Poetry. I am a very amateur poet.

Q is for Quokka. I'd love to go to Australia and see one of these!

R is for Ramona Quimby. I read all of her books about a zillion times when I was a kid!

S is for Scrabble. It's one of my favorite games next to Apples to Apples.

T is for Term Abroad. I spent part of my junior year of college in Hanoi, Vietnam.

U is for Unwind by Neal Shusterman. It's one of my favorite books.

V is for Valedictorian. Nope, I wasn't valedictorian of my senior class, but I did get voted "everybody's buddy."

W is for Waterloo, Belgium. I called it home from 6th through 9th grade.

X is for Xanadu. One of the WORST/BEST movies ever!

Y is for "You have to read this book!" One of the sentences I probably say most often.

Z is for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. I love giraffes and this is the best place to see them!

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Alley said, on Jan. 19 at 10:20AM
From A to Z, you are the best!


Bro said, on Jan. 20 at 6:15PM
R is for Ridonkulus, which will be the name of the book written about our Institute field trips.


Maria said, on Jan. 20 at 8:30PM
Of course you have a crush on James Franco! He is Attractive with a capital a! :D


Justin said, on Jan. 22 at 11:52AM
Haha, you go, Allison. :D

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