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FEBRUARY 5, 2012
Test Your Knowledge

Try answering these brain teaser questions:

1. If it takes three people to dig a hole, how many will it take to dig half a hole?
2. What is at the beginning of eternity? 
3. How many books would you have if you took two books from three on the shelf? 
4. Which word when pronounced right is wrong but if pronounced wrong is right? (wrong)
5. Some months have 31 days and some have 30 days.  How many months have 28 days?
6. What can you hold in your right hand, but not in your left?
7. If a plane crashes on the Colorado/Wyoming border, where do you bury the survivors?
8. If you are in a house where all four walls face south, what color is a bear that walks past the window?

1. It is not possible to dig half a hole
2. The letter e
3. You would have two
4. Wrong
5. All of them
6. Left hand/elbow
7. You don’t bury the survivors
8. White because you are at the north pole

Interested in doing more intelligence tests?  Try the Mensa Test or other IQ tests online.

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