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JANUARY 21, 2010
2009 Awards for Teen Literature (Part 2)
Tuesday, we posted the first in a two-part blog about books that won nationally recognized awards last year. Here are some other awards for teen literature that were awarded in 2009. 

The William C. Morris YA Debut Award
The Morris Award honors a book written for teens by a first-time, previously unpublished author.
Book JacketAsh by Malinda Lo 
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
The Everafter by Amy Huntley
Flash Burnout by L.K. Madigan
Hold Still by Nina LaCour


Top 10 Great Graphic Novels for Teens
In addition to the full list of Great Graphic Novels for Teens, the committee chose the following as the Top 10 Great Graphic Novels for Teens.

Book JacketJapan Ai: A Tall Girl’s Adventures in Japan by Aimee Major Steinberger
Life Sucks by Jessica Abel, Gabriel Soria and Warren Pleece
Sand Chronicles, V. 1-3 by Hinako Ashihara
Atomic Robo: Atomic Robo and the Fightin' Scientists of Tesladyne by Brian Clevinger and Steve Wegener
Real, V. 1-2 by Takehiko Inoue
Uzumaki, V.1 by Junki Ito
Pitch Black: Don’t be Skerd by Anthony Horton and Youme Landowne
Skim by Mariko Tamaki and Jilliam Tamaki
Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba
Cairo by G. Willow Wilson and M. K. Perker

Alex Awards
The Alex Awards are given annually to 10 books written for adults that have special appeal to teens.

Book JacketCity of Thieves by David Benioff
The Dragons of Babel by Michael Swanwick
Finding Nouf by Zoë Ferraris
The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti
Just After Sunset: Stories by Stephen King
Mudbound by Hillary Jordan
Over and Under by Todd Tucker
The Oxford Project by Stephen G. Bloom
Sharp Teeth by Toby Barlow
Three Girls and Their Brother by Theresa Rebeck

Margaret A. Edwards Award
The Edwards Award honors an author and a specific work for significant and lasting contribution to writing for teens.

Laurie Halse Anderson is the winner of the 2009 Margaret A. Edwards Award for Catalyst, Fever 1793, and Speak.

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