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Porter County Herald

This is an index of genealogical information printed in the Porter County Herald Newspaper. This file contains actual images of articles that appeared in the scattered issues of the Porter County Herald newspaper from 1933-1937 and a surname index to the stories.
Tip: To search for an exact match, use double quotes around the search term, such as "Dan".
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<< Previous      171 records located.   Displaying 141-160       Next >>
  Search Results
  Name     Newspaper Date
  Vann, Geo. (George) W.     4/29/1937
  Vann, George     3/16/1933
  Vann, George, Mrs.     3/16/1933
  Vanwienen, William     3/28/1935
  Vanwinkle, A. J., Dr.     1/31/1935
  Vanwinkle, A. J., Dr.     1/31/1935
  Vanwinkle, A. J., Dr.     1/31/1935
  Vanwinkle, A. J., Dr.     1/31/1935
  Vanzile, E. W., Mr./Mrs.     10/17/1935
  Varner, Harvey     1/31/1935
  Varner, Harvey     1/31/1935
  Varner, Harvey     1/31/1935
  Varner, Harvey     1/31/1935
  Varner, Zella     7/15/1937
  Vasil, John     1/14/1937
  Vassaw, T. G.     1/31/1935
  Vassaw, T. G.     11/28/1935
  Vassaw, T. G.     12/12/1935
  Vassaw, T. G.     7/1/1937
  Vassaw, T. G.     7/15/1937
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