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AUGUST 4, 2010
To E or not to E

The e-book debate is long standing in Libraryland.  On the one hand, it is a popular new media, some people very much want and some argue it IS the wave of the future.  On the other hand, makers of these devices have said publicly that they are NOT for shared use, namely libraries, there are still issues with this new media and some hate it.
   For Libraries this can be difficult and had lead to many debates.    A few days ago I ran into this and reprint it here for you.

 It comes from the LIS NEWS:

 The Battle Continues: eBooks or Hardbacks?

David Carnoy (CNET) weighs in on the topic. He tells Huffington Post readers that plenty of people have come up with lists of reasons why ebooks are better than paper books, but that he finds the opposite point of view more challenging. So here's his list of why hardcovers are better:

1. Spilling a drink on a hardcover doesn't cause it to die
2. You can't press a leaf in an e-book, even a virtual one
3. You can't have an author sign an e-book (yet)
4. Ebooks don't float in a pool
5. You can't use an e-book as a doorstop or to prop open a window
6. A hardcover doesn't crack when you drop it
7. An ebook has no resale value on Amazon
8. You don't have to recharge a hardcover
9. In a pinch, you can burn a hardcover to keep warm
10. You don't have to feel ripped off after paying $12.99 for something that's just bits and bytes
To be fair, I decided to try to come up with a list of 10 reasons why E-books are good.  Unfortunately, I could only come up with 5 reasons:

1.  Easy to carry in a bag or pocket.
2.  They're light, you ca carry more than one book without extra weight.
3.  People notice you, when you have one and you meet new friends.
4.  It's a cool gadget.
5.  It takes up less room on the shelf.

Have any more reasons?  Let us know!

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CarolK said, on Aug. 5 at 6:21AM
Mark Oppenheimer's July 30th column Judging a Girl By Her Cover points out that e-books are too can't crane your neck to see what the other person is reading. This is a big negative for me. I'm always checking out what the other guy/gal is reading, in line, at the doctor's office, on the plane, at the beach, everywhere or anywhere. If e-books becme the norm, I'll be missing some great conversation starters.


CarolK said, on Aug. 5 at 6:23AM
I love reason #2 2. You can't press a leaf in an e-book, even a virtual one. One day I was reading a book that was oh, so beautiful that I stopped and found an eloquent bookmark to mark my place. I had been using a piece of paper. This book deserved something grand. Try that with an e-book!


bas bleu said, on Aug. 5 at 11:54AM
Reason #11 for why hardcover books are better: Whoever heard of snuggling up in bed with an ebook? Preposterous!!

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