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MAY 5, 2010
1 Ringy-Dingy, 2 Ringy-Dingy

Some days I feel very old.  I remember when one only needed to dial the last 5 digits of a telephone number in Connecticut.  Now we have to dial all 10.  I remember pay phones, that cost a dime.  I even remember party lines.

 I remember when it appeared as if you were talking to yourself meant you were a little… off.   Now, it means you are on your cell phone.  I appreciate the cell phone.  It gives me a false sense of security as I drive.  I’m sure I’m not alone in having it save upset, stress and argument when one is running late.   In fact, I can think of a million reasons why a cell phone is a good thing.

 However, I have come to hate them.

 Why? Because too many cell phone users are, well, rude.  Despite its illegality, they talk in their car swerving recklessly.  They have the most embarrassing and intimate conversations in public spaces.  They talk in places where clearly they have been asked not to: cash register lines, movie theaters and yes, libraries.

 We all know it’s hard to communicate when someone is on the phone.  Why do we think a cell phone is different?  Why do we think a transaction at store, bank, library is or should be any different?  How do I ask a question, if the person I’m talking to is asking a question of another?

 This has been a big debate in Libraryland for a long time.  We don’t want to be rude. We don’t want to be ‘negative.’  But at the same time we have business to conduct.  We’ve debated.  We’ve posted signs.  We’ve designated spaces.  We’ve asked people to use the designated spaces.

 I read today a public library in Wisconsin is talking about the possibility of buying equipment that could block cell phone use in their building.  The librarian reporting that there is a lot of user complains about cell phone use which occurs despite a policy prohibiting use in the building.

 Personally, while I do confess I’ve fantasized about such devices for my car, I find it sad.  


Add a comment  (2 comments) posted by Su



CarolK said, on May. 5 at 4:38PM
Why would you need one for your car? If it's to block people calling you...turn the dang ringy, dingy, off and if it's for the passenger, well there are mystery books in the library to help you with that :)!


said, on May. 6 at 7:21PM
I agree! You cannot hold two conversations at once! There is nothing more annoying than talking to someone who is also talking to someone else...that you can't see! Not to mention that there is no escaping the cell phone (well, I do, I just leave it in my purse and never hear it when it rings) but for those who have it on them, when it rings they answer. kind of like Pavlov's dog. Just because the phone is ringing, doesn't mean you need to answer it, and just because someone called, doesn't mean you need to talk to them right then. Everyone can wait (emergencies excepted).

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