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MARCH 3, 2010
You've Come Along Way, Baby
March is women’s history month.   I know most people know this and I have to admit, women have come a long way.  Still, I am some times struck when I hear things about the past and though 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years ago and yet how close and recent it can feel.
Is this a sign of getting old?
Listening to a book the other day, an off hand reference was made that in the early 1970’s a female attorney would need written permission from her husband to take place in a homicide case and banks required doctor certified sterilization papers before giving a woman a mortgage.  I was momentarily stunned.  I had no idea of this at the time.
While on the one hand, that was a long forty years ago, and times have certainly changed.  On the other hand,  this was in my life time!  The thought was sobering.
So in the spirit of women’s history month, I ask these questions of you.  The answers may surprise you:

Who said “failure is impossible?”
What was the first state where women could vote in a national election?
What was the first co-ed college in the U.S.?
In what year did a woman first run for president?

Come in and well tell you the answers! 
Or check out an interesting read such as two of my favorites:
The Handmaid’s Tale
/ by Margaret Atwood  &  Herland / by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 


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Staca said, on Mar. 15 at 12:43PM
I thought the last question was a joke until I googled it. I don't want to give anything away, BUT that sure was a long time ago! You bring up a good thought about these changes happening in YOUR lifetime. I hope I can look back someday and tell my grandchildren about many changes that still need to be made.


CarolK said, on Mar. 15 at 4:36PM
And it's a great story too. We've got her bio at the library for anyone wanting to read about that first female presendential hopeful!

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