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FEBRUARY 1, 2010
Love Stories
Seeing Valentine’s Day is almost here I decided to do a library display on our favorite love stories of all time. The chosen titles could be in any format and would include selections by staff and any of our patrons who care to contribute. Some of the choices so far are no brainers...
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell (both book & dvd)
Love Story by Erich Segal (both book & dvd) 
   sad to report that Mr. Segal passed away last week
but others may be new to you...
A Green Darkness by Anya Seton (one of my favorites)
Katherine, also by Anya Seton (a choice of another staff member)
Some movies that made the grade
Out of Africa
The Way we Were
Only You

The public has been a bit slow to add their heart’s delight to the display. So I’m asking YOU, our faithful readers to let me know what we should put out there. What’s your favorite love story? We’d really like to know!

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bas bleu said, on Feb. 6 at 1:28PM
Some of my enduring favorites (books) include: Flowers from the Storm, by Laura Kinsale; Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen; and Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte. Movies include The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (with Rex Harrison and Gene Tierney), Marnie (with Sean Connery and Tippi Hedron), and Breakfast at Tiffany's (with Audrey Hepburn).


CarolK said, on Feb. 9 at 2:46PM
Thanks Bas Bleu...I can always count on you. I'll put up a few of these on our cart. Both Breakfast at Tiffany's and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir are circulating so others must agree with you! Wuthering Heights is already on the cart as it was a favorite of one of our volunteers.

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