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APRIL 12, 2009
A Librarian's Day Off!

So what does a librarian do with a day off? Like many of you, Friday found me home from work. Initially I had very little planned, sleep late, read, run a few errands. All that changed when I was reading Thursday's Hartford Courant. Korky Vann's Savvy Shopper column caught my eye. By the way, Ms. Vann will be doing a program about Living On Less at our library on April 22nd but that's another story. Highlighted in her April 9th column was a tease about the opening of Bestseller Book Outlet in Plainville, a remainder store that promised 75% of on all books. This is enough to make a librarian's knees quake. I immediately knew I'd be there on Friday, but how to get my husband to agree.

Friday's list of places we needed to go included, Sam's Club, Ocean State Job Lot and Lowe's, with dinner planned for Boston Market where we'd use two, $3.00 off a $6.00 meal coupons for baked fish dinners which are only served during Lent. Anticipation and plotting kept me awake Thursday night and by Friday morning I had my plan! The book store just happens to be in the same plaza as Lowe's in Plainville. Sam's and OSJL both have stores on the Berlin Turnpike, not too far afield from Plainville. I figured after browsing at the book store (Paul could go to Lowe's), we'd hit the Pike and do our errands, ending the evening at Boston Market. Did I mention Boston Market's on the Pike too. Perfect! My husband would never realize the main objective of the day.

So Friday found me happy as a clam, browsing all that Bestseller Books many aisles had to offer. Nothing like a bookstore to make a librarian's day. And if you don't believe me, just ask my friend Linda (also a librarian) who just happened to be spending her day off there too. I bumped into her in the young adult section with a basket full of books and a big smile on her face.

What did I buy? A fairly new book about the Terra Cotta Warriors, a Healthy Cooking For IBS cookbook, a guide to wine grapes, a couple of Chicken Soup for the Soul books (yup, I'm a sucker for those), and a historical true crime story about Mary Surrat and the plot to kill Abraham Lincoln. Given a bit more time I'm certain I could have found a great deal more. Next time, the store will be my only destination so I can give it my undivided attention.

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Mercedes said, on Apr. 14 at 12:19PM
There is definitely no better way to spend a day than browsing through a book store (and getting deals along the way). When my husband and I lived in Chicago, we would spend many hours in bookstores, both new and used, and came away with books we didn't need but were such good deals or treasures that we had no idea we were going to find. My favorite used book treasure is "To Marry an English Lord" a wonderful non-fiction book that follows the trend at the turn of the century of American heiresses marrying British lords. The women wanted titles, the men needed money. It's a fantastic book and I never would have found it except for an afternoon spent in a dusty, musty, overcrowded bookstore on Clark St.

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