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MARCH 18, 2009
VHS is Dead, Long Live VHS

With St. Patrick’s day over, there is no reason to stop thinking green! I recently heard about an interesting recycling program for video cassettes and other electronic media.

The program, sponsored by Alternative Community Training, a non profit organization in Columbia, Missouri, employs persons with disabilities. Thus, providing jobs and recycling.   
This program accepts old donated VHS tapes, computer media and cd jewel cases, wipes them clean (or disassembles them) and resells them in usable form.  According to their website, they offer "Certified Destruction of Intellectual Property."
In libraryland we have seen many forms of media come and go. At this juncture, the vhs tape and audio cassettes are singing their swan songs and soon will be missing from library shelves nation wide.  On the bright side, new forms of media are taking its place. Out library now offers Playaways, audio books that include their own independent player, a listener needs only to check the battery and their favorite headset. Soon the Library will be offering audio book downloads (watch for more info coming soon!).
I personally have never worked with ACT either to donate or purchase media. But upon learning of them, I liked the idea. I also know the frustration of having old tapes that you ‘hate to throw out’ and the frustration of finding blank tapes for that beloved machine.
If you’d like more information about the program mentioned here, visit there web site at:
And come check out the new media at your library!

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