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On display: Pitchers
For the month of September, Canton Public Library’s display case will feature a collection of pitchers.  The collection belongs to the library’s head of circulation, Katie Bunn.
Pitchers can be squat or tall, plain or decorative, utilitarian or sophisticated.  They can be made of glass, ceramic, metal, or plastic, to name a few materials.  We use them to hold cream, water, flowers, iced tea, sangria. 
In the case of Katie Bunn’s collection, the 50 or so pitchers were inherited from her grandmother, Glennis Maguire of Maine.  “I’m not a collector,” said Katie.  “She was. She collected not only pitchers but also antique kitchen gadgets.”  The pitchers in her grandmother’s collection are all ceramic and are decorative.  “She didn’t use them.  She displayed them.”  And displayed they will be when the collection fills the Canton Public Library display case in September.

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