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MARCH 4, 2010
Grammar Nerds Unite!
(I'm always afraid to write a post like this, lest I make an error and have someone pick on me about it...)

If you're a fan of grammar like I am, I'm sure you've thought to yourself, "Self, I wonder if there is a day set aside for celebrating grammar."  And, lo and behold, there is - today, March 4, is National Grammar Day!

So go forth with your red pen and set people straight!  Correct those grocers' apostrophes (or, as I prefer to call them, grocers apostrophe's)!  Tell those people over they're that there use of their is wrong (my goodness, that was painful to write)!  Laugh and/or cringe at examples of bad grammar.  Smile smugly to yourself when you find a typo or an errant comma in the book you're reading.  And most of all, remember that really, every day is made for good grammar.

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