What Joa is Reading & Other Stuff

Book reviews...from picture books to adult books, as well as books-to-movie info, and other stuff I think is interesting. Note: Not all books reviewed or recommended are appropriate for all ages.
JULY 3, 2009
13th Child by Patricia Wrede

I just read an interesting book by the author of the Dealing with Dragons series.

The main character, Eff, is a twin to Lan, who was the seventh born son of a seventh born son (their father.) This quality means he is automatically magically gifted and he receives a great deal of attention from family and community members. Unfortunately, Eff's birth order in the family is not viewed so positively, as she is the 13th child overall, which is said to be very bad luck.

When her Eff's classmates and even extended family constantly bombard Eff and her parents with their ominous predictions of how she will "turn bad," her family decides to take advantage of a college position offered to her father "out west." This move works well for everybody, and even offers Eff the opportunity to study magic with a unique teacher who teaches her to "see" the world a whole new way.

This story is like Magyck by Angie Sage meets Little House on the Prairie. When the family moves west, there are many parallels to early pioneer life, and it is very intriguing how Wrede weaves real history and alters it to fit her story. I've never read anything quite like it.

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Categories: FantasyJoa Recommends



Cjohnson said, on Jul. 23 at 10:49AM
Joa this book sounds intersesting I would love to read it


Riah said, on Jul. 31 at 3:19PM
This Book sounds very interesting I think I might Try reading it!!! =]

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