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MARCH 19, 2010
The great outdoors...

Anyone who follows this blog knows that I’m the proud owner of a badly-behaved monster of a dog named Frank. Well, Frank turned 2 years old in February, and his behavior has definitely improved with age. However, to maintain good behavior and to keep him calm, he requires exercise …every single day.

On freezing winter mornings I am less than thrilled to have to get up early, put on 50 layers of clothing, and take Frank out to drag me around the neighborhood. In spite of this I still think that one of the best things about being a dog owner is that it forces me to go outside, everyday, and walk. Over the past two years I have discovered forests, parks, and trails around Connecticut, that I probably would have never visited if it wasn’t for Frank.
I got to thinking about all the great places to hike in CT because tomorrow is the first day of spring! AND it’s going to be sunny with temps in the low 70’s, so I will most definitely be out and about with Frank by my side. Some of my favorite places are:
Wickaham Park:
Gay City:
Devils Hopyard:
Air Line Rail Trail:

Case Mountian:
If you are also planning on taking advantage of the beautiful weather stop by to check out one of our Connecticut Trail Books:



Let me know your favorite CT parks and trails!

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CarolK said, on Mar. 19 at 12:03PM
Outside; what's that? If I do get out, I love Bigelow Hollow State Park in Union. It is just beautiful. Heublein Tower in Simsbury is another great place to hike. The Airline Trails are always neat too!


quigdad said, on Mar. 20 at 4:16AM
What a gorgeous animal, hemust take after his grandfather!


CarolK said, on Mar. 20 at 10:34AM
Quigdad, made me laugh right out loud. Aren't grandchildren beautiful! Thanks for the chuckle.


Mercedes said, on Mar. 25 at 8:21AM
Oh the great outdoors! Love it! Case Mountain is one of our favorites, as is the Belding Wildlife Management Area in Vernon. We also love Mansfield Hollow Park and have a quest to hike all the blue trails in CT, particularly the Nipmuck. We own both the East and West versions of CT Walk Book and love it. Can't wait for the good weather to stay!

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