Artesia Public Library

Tell us why Artesia Public Library is important to you and your family! We want to hear what your favorite program was, what your favorite memory is, or how you used the library. How has the library helped you? We'll share your thoughts with the staff and other patrons of Artesia Public Library on the sidebar of this page.

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My Story:
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Library Stories
Pat said:
I have a long commute and the audio tapes and CDs I check out from the library are the onl...more

Esther said:
I'm working on my GED and the resources at the library have really helped with my math and...more

Mary said:
We have three little ones at home and we visit the library every week to replenish our sup...more

Stu said:
I was laid off several months ago and the library was invaluable in helping me find a new ...more

Glenn said:
I love books! I don't know what I would do without the library. Fiction, non-fiction, DVDs...more