Event Registration
Sound Bath
Whelden Memorial Library
Thursday, Feb. 6, 6pm
Sound Bath: An Immersive Sound Experience
Learn how sound impacts our bodies on a physiological, neurological and biochemical level.

In this immersive sound experience, Rachel Youngling will introduce participants to the science of how sound impacts our bodies on a physiological, neurological and biochemical level. Participants will then be encouraged to find a comfortable seat or recline on a mat. The sound portion of the program will include a wide array of instruments including crystal singing bowls, Himalayan bowls, chimes, Chinese gong, drums and other native instruments from around the world. 

The first session will be held at Whelden Library on February 6th, and there will be two others held at the West Barnstable Community Building, which accommodates a larger group of participants. If this class held at the library is full, we encourage you to sign up for one of the others: March 24th and May 19th.
(currently 3 openings)
Please register each person separately

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