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"When Murder Is a Family Affair" Mystery Authors on ZOOM

Thursday, Feb. 8, 7-8:30pm
or call 201-670-5600.
Can you count on your family when the going gets tough and the stakes are high? Deadly high? In each of their mystery series, authors Marcy McCreary, Nina Wachsman, and Lori Robbins lean in on the motto, “blood is thicker than water,” as their main characters recruit family members to help them solve crimes. Although family ties sometimes feel more like a stranglehold than a lifeline, in the end, those familiar bonds can save your life. This event is perfect for readers who love mystery stories mired in family drama.

Join us for a fun and informative panel. 
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81970517920?pwd=blk0akltMHI1YkFzNFljWjRic0cyUT09

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