Movers & Groovers - Tuesdays
2 West Main Street
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 10:30am
Join Miss Rachel or Miss Dana for Movers & Groovers
Stories, songs, action rhymes and scarf songs. Lots of interaction and fun. All ages from babies to preschoolers welcome.
Held in the Meeting Room at Town Hall - upstairs from the Library
Register once and you will be on our Movers & Groovers mailing list and will receive program updates, such as weather related cancelations, etc.
Stories, songs, action rhymes and scarf songs. Lots of interaction and fun. All ages from babies to preschoolers welcome.
Held in the Meeting Room at Town Hall - upstairs from the Library
Register once and you will be on our Movers & Groovers mailing list and will receive program updates, such as weather related cancelations, etc.