Impressionist Women
Impressionist Women Painters: Mary Cassatt & Berthe Morisot
Virtual Zoom

Tuesday, Mar. 19, 7pm
Despite their relative obscurity, many women painters reached impressive heights of creative achievement and professional success in 19th through early 20th Century Paris.  Two of the most exceptional are Mary Cassatt and Berthe Morisot.  These women defied many social norms of their time to join the avant-garde alongside their more-famous counterparts, Manet, Monet, Renoir, Degas, and Pissarro.  Join Janet Mandel as she explores these artists' themes of modernity, imaginative portraits, bourgeois family and leisure life, unconventional landscapes, and contemporary fashion. Come and hear about these women's struggles and triumphs and see an array of their astonishing and innovative works.
Sponsored by Kemmerer Library.

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