Library Programs

Adult Mystery Book D
Adult Mystery Book Discussion

Tuesday, Jun. 4, 5:30-6:30
Exploring mystery fiction as chosen by the group. Meets on the first Tuesday of each month.
No registration necessary. 

June book discussion The Stolen Coast by Dwyer Murphy, request it here. 

Book Teaser
Jack might be a polished, Harvard-educated lawyer on paper, but everyone in the down-at-the-heels, if picturesque, village of Onset, Massachusetts, knows his real job: moving people on the run from powerful enemies. The family business--co-managed with his father, a retired spy--is smooth sailing, as they fill up Onset's holiday homes during the town's long, drowsy off-season and help clients shed their identities in preparation for fresh starts.

But when Elena, Jack's former flame--a dedicated hustler who's no stranger to the fugitive life--makes an unexpected return to town, her arrival upends Jack's routine existence. Elena, after all, doesn't go anywhere without a scheme in mind, and it isn't long before Jack finds himself enmeshed in her latest project: intercepting millions of dollars' worth of raw diamonds before they're shipped overseas.

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