Starr Library
How-To: Kitchen Gard
How-To: Kitchen Gardens in Small Spaces with Kiera Faulkner Jekos

Saturday, Jun. 8, 10-11:30am
Tailored for beginners! Learn to grow fresh veggies and attract pollinators like bees and butterflies in even the smallest of outdoor spaces. We will discuss how to plan, build, plant, tend, and harvest from your kitchen garden throughout the year. Let's challenge the notion of Memorial to Labor Day vegetable gardens as we chat about seasonal growing. Now is the perfect time to start. Weather permitting, we will take a walk through the Rhinebeck Community Garden.

About the Instructor: 

Kiera Faulkner Jekos is the founder of Gardenwell, a full service kitchen garden design company based in New York City and the Hudson Valley.  She specializes in the integration of organic vegetable and herb gardens into active lives and urban spaces with a strong focus on education and supporting native ecosystems. In addition to leading gardening classes and offering one-on-one coaching programs, Kiera recently launched the NYC Kitchen Garden Club to connect growers from around the city.