Oxford Reads: a film
Oxford Reads: a film discussion

Monday, Oct. 24, 7pm
or call 519-485-2505.
Join us for a  discussion around our Oxford Reads selection: Driven. Watch the following movies on our free streaming platform Kanopy over the course of October and join us at the Ingersoll Library on October 24th to chat about them!

A Taxi Driver - 2018 - 2hr 17min https://www.kanopy.com/en/ocl/video/12201071
Jafar Panahi’s Taxi - 2015 - 1hr 21min https://www.kanopy.com/en/ocl/video/11174736
Beijing Taxi: Transformation in China's Ancient Capital - 2010 - 1hr 18min https://www.kanopy.com/en/ocl/video/1969006
The M Word - 2007 - 47min https://www.kanopy.com/en/ocl/video/74612
Driving with Selvi: The Story of India's First Female Taxi Driver  - 2016 - 52min https://www.kanopy.com/en/ocl/video/5293728

Bonus suggestion: watch Queen Latifah's 2004 action comedy Taxi. 


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