Cranbury Public Library
F E A T U R E D   E V E N T
Senior Arts & Crafts with Caregiver Coach, Kat
Cranbury Public Library

Monday, Jan. 13, 1:00pm
Welcome to Senior Arts & Crafts with Caregiver Coach, Kat Typically, each month there will be a craft for Seniors to enjoy. Ocassionaly there may be a bingo session, but that will be annouced a few weeks before.

Meet new people, share stores, and have a great time!

Please note, that for craft months, there is a limit of 12 participants. For Bingo, there is not limit on the number of participants.
Located in Meeting Room 1 + 2.

February Craft: St. Patrick's Day Craft

Facilitated by Kat Verdi and sponsored by The Gardens at Monroe.
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