Cranbury Public Library
F E A T U R E D   E V E N T
Author Talk: Mary An
Author Talk: Mary Ann Cavallaro, Adventures with Mochi
Cranbury Public Library

Tuesday, Jun. 25, 11am
Loving a Pet and Preparing for Loss

Following the loss of her beloved dog, local author, Mary Ann Cavallaro (RN/ MBA/Hospice Volunteer), channeled her grief into writing and published the book Letters to Mochi.

Letters to Mochi is a series of memories and thoughts about humans and animals written to a beloved departed pet against a background of travel adventures in the Southwest, Alaska, East Coast and Japan. It discusses animal communication and spiritual connection.

This presentation is for anyone who has loved an animal friend. Mary Ann will also share her tips on handling grief after the loss of a beloved pet and preparing for loss for those with senior pets.
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