Frank Lloyd Wright- ZOOM
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 7:00 PM
Sponsored by the Friends of the Madison Public Library
No other architect in the US changed the way we think about the built environment in modern times more than Frank Lloyd Wright. With a career spanning 7 decades, he first made a name for himself with his Prairie Homes, coining the term ‘Organic Architecture’ and culminating with Falling Waters, built on top of a waterfall! Taliesin East in Wisconsin was designed as his own experimental home, including the innovative FLW Fellowship, but it also became the site of terrible personal tragedy. His oeuvre grew to include places of worship and entertainment, factory buildings, hotels, with the Guggenheim Museum in NYC as his final and arguably most famous masterpiece – 8 of his buildings are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. We will explore many of his outstanding designs together and follow the development of his style, use of materials and techniques, including the decorative arts!
Hosted by Art Historian, Sylvia Laudien Meo
No other architect in the US changed the way we think about the built environment in modern times more than Frank Lloyd Wright. With a career spanning 7 decades, he first made a name for himself with his Prairie Homes, coining the term ‘Organic Architecture’ and culminating with Falling Waters, built on top of a waterfall! Taliesin East in Wisconsin was designed as his own experimental home, including the innovative FLW Fellowship, but it also became the site of terrible personal tragedy. His oeuvre grew to include places of worship and entertainment, factory buildings, hotels, with the Guggenheim Museum in NYC as his final and arguably most famous masterpiece – 8 of his buildings are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. We will explore many of his outstanding designs together and follow the development of his style, use of materials and techniques, including the decorative arts!
Hosted by Art Historian, Sylvia Laudien Meo