Author Emily Franke
Author Emily Franke Book Reading and Signing

Saturday, Sep. 7, 10:30am
Join us in welcoming Author Emily Franke to the Jacob Edwards Library on Tuesday September 7, 2024 at 10:30am.  She will read her book 
"The Ladybug who Lived on a Four Leaf Clover" and have some for purchase if interested.

My name is Emily Franke, I am 25 years old and I have always had a passion for
taking care of others. Growing up, I always wanted to make a difference in the
world. I knew that someday and somehow, I would. But, how? In June of 2021, I
unfortunately lost my grandma. She was the sunshine and joy in my life. When
my grandma, Sheila, passed, I knew this was my moment to help inspire those
who needed a reminder of hope after loss.
A few months after my grandma passed away, I wrote my first children’s book
in honor of her. My story, The Ladybug Who Lived on a Four Leaf Clover, shares
a beautiful message that our loved ones are always with us! In the story, there
is a little girl named Emily who loses her grandmother, but realizes her
grandma comes back to visit her as a magical ladybug. Sheila, the ladybug,
reminds Emily that grandma is always with her! And, when I’m not writing
books, you can find me at the beach watching the sunset!
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