Lift Up Your Voice:
Lift Up Your Voice: The Importance of Making Your Health Care Choices Known
Pawling Library Annex

Tuesday, Jul. 30, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

The Hospice and Palliative Care Association of New York State and Hudson Valley Hospice believe end of life care decisions should be available to all regardless of ethnicity, race, or religion. Together, it is our goal to encourage Advance Care Planning and to understand the cultural and spiritual barrier that might prevent the conversations that are necessary to complete advance care documents such as Health Care Proxies. We also want to help facilitate the difficult conversations that can be a part of completing these documents.

We’d like to encourage our community to:

 • Think about who would speak for you if you can’t do so for yourself

• Talk about your wishes at the end of life

• Write down who you’ve selected and your wishes

• Share the written documents with loved ones and medical providers

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