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Celebrating GSBC&rsq
Celebrating GSBC’s 50th Anniversary

Monday, May 22, 6:00pm
GSBC General Meeting
GSBC’s 50th Anniversary
Monday, 22 May 2023 @ 6pm Eastern
In-person: GSBC Members and non-members welcome!

The Genealogical Society of Bergen County (GSBC) is a non-profit society founded in 1973. Our purpose is to assist those researching their family heritage, to assist those seeking out and preserving information about the families and genealogical records of the greater Bergen County area, and to offer educational and research assistance to all those interested in genealogical research.

Questions? Contact Sarah Kiefer at skiefer@ridgewoodlibrary.org or 201-670-5600 x135
Sponsored by Genealogical Society of Bergen County.

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