Join us for upcoming events, classes and programs at Cromwell Belden Public Library! All events are free and open to the public. Registration required where noted.
Join us for our fun monthly craft. If this event is full you are still welcome - just bring your own project to work on while we craft! Adults Registration Required; registration will open at 10 AM
Do you like a story with a good Happily Ever After? Which romance tropes are your favorite? There are no "guilty secret" excuses here - if you like reading romance then this is the space for you! Come join Emily for our monthly Romance Book Club meeting. We will be discussing Calamity by Constance Fay, as well as other similar authors, titles, tropes, and more. Adults Registration Optional
Learn how to master some fancy cupcake decorating skills with local professional baker, Ms. Hope. Each participant will get two cupcakes to decorate and take home.
This program is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Join Library staff and members of the DEI Committee to discuss This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel, a thought provoking book about community and family: how children change, how community and family get complicated, and how families keep secrets - until they can’t be kept anymore. Adults Registration Required
Join us for our monthly knitting club - in-person! Bring yourself and your latest knitting project to work on and share. Other fiber artists and crafters are also encouraged to attend! This club also meets virtually on Friday evenings, via Zoom. For more information, please email the coordinator: Adults Registration Recommended
Join us each Friday afternoon for a fresh showing of a new film on the big screen! Please call the Senior Center to register: 860-632-3447 Seniors Registration Required
Join us for our video game free play event, hosted by Massachusetts eSport and gaming venue, One Up Games! Explore virtual worlds with the Oculus Quest, or play the latest titles on Xbox Series S, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch!
Love rolling dice? How about two giant foam piglets instead? Join Miss Emily for a fun game of pig rolling and point collecting. Keep an eye out though - roll too much and you’ll Pig Out!
Graphic novel fans unite! Come to the library once a month to get together with fellow comic lovers to enjoy some fun activities all about your favorite series and authors. We'll make our own comics, play games, and more.
The Graphic Novel series for February is Spy School.
Join Kim Larkin from Klassic Kreations to learn about the health benefits of dark chocolate and coffee, as well as where they come from - and sample coffee with different chocolate varieties throughout the class, too!
Adults Registration Required - registration opens 30 days in advance.
Join us each Friday afternoon for a fresh showing of a new film on the big screen! Please call the Senior Center to register: 860-632-3447 Seniors Registration Required
Stuck in a reading rut? We're here to help! Sign up for a Book Box and let us do the choosing for you! After you've registered, we'll email you a link to a google form where we'll ask a few questions about your reading preferences; at the end of the month you'll be able to pick up your personalized Book Box that contains the library books we selected plus a couple bonus prizes that are yours to keep! Pickup for February Book Boxes will be the week of February 24th-March 1st.
Registration Required. This service is for adults.
Join professional caterer Hope Butler to decorate a perfectly crafted cupcake. Learn tips & tricks that the pros use, and enjoy the satisfaction of eating your own creation - each participant will get to take home the cupcakes that they make! Please sign up for only one date, to give others a better chance to attend as well. This program is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Adults Registration Required - please only register for one session
Join professional caterer Hope Butler to decorate a perfectly crafted cupcake. Learn tips & tricks that the pros use, and enjoy the satisfaction of eating your own creation - each participant will get to take home the cupcakes that they make! Please sign up for only one date, to give others a better chance to attend as well. This program is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Adults Registration Required - please only register for one session