Library Events

Join us for upcoming events, and programs at Chesley Memorial Library! All events are free and open to the public. Registration required where noted.
 Limit by audience:
Thursday, Feb. 13, 3:30pm
Make-and-Take Valentines
Friday, Feb. 14, 9:00am
Library Trustee Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 3:30pm
Chesley Writers
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 10:30am
Story Time
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 7:00pm
Evening Book Discussion - Virtual
Monday, Feb. 24, 1:00pm
Senior Cafe
Monday, Feb. 24, 4:00pm
Friends of the Library Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2:00pm
Vacation Week Sock Hop
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 10:30am
Story Time
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2:00-4:00pm
Vacation Week Crafternoon
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