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Reel Voices: "Street Gang: How We Got to Sesame Street (Onsite)

Wednesday, Nov. 10, 7:00-8:45pm
or call 201-670-5600.
Street Gang: How We Got to Sesame Street (2020; US; PG; 1h 47m) - screening in the Ridgewood Library Auditorium. No speaker. 

Go inside the hearts and minds of the Sesame Street creators, artists and educators who established one of the most influential and enduring children's series in television history. Exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and more than 20 original interviews introduce audiences to Jim Henson, Joan Ganz Cooney and a group of visionaries who set out to entertain and educate young minds by harnessing the power of television with furry characters, catchy songs and a diverse cast.
Sponsored by Friends of the Library.

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