My Peace Corp Experi
My Peace Corp Experience
Brookside Community Church’s Scialla Hall at 8 East Main Street in Brookside, NJ.

Thursday, May 16, 7:00pm

Learn about life in Peru as a Peace Corp volunteer with local Mendham Township resident, Virginia Gembala.  Virginia new she didn’t want a traditional job environment and looked for something that would provide her job experience as well as the opportunity to experience something different, leading her to become a Peace Corps volunteer in Peru.  As part of a 27 month program, Virginia lives with a host family while also carrying out work related to community health.  As a member of the community, she also has gotten to take part in celebrations and community events.

Join Virginia as she shares her experiences working with the Peace Corp as well as the culture she has been able to participate in. She will also discuss the different challenges, opportunities, and achievements she has experienced and how it has helped her grow in her service and role as a volunteer.  In hopes of sharing her individual experience, Virginia wishes to inspire others to consider non-traditional avenues that serve both the individual and the world.

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