Marie Benedict - Vir
Marie Benedict - Virtual Author Visit

Wednesday, Sep. 21, 7pm
As a young woman, Marie Benedict was gifted a book by a treasured aunt — who also happened to be an English professor — that opened her eyes to the hidden world of women’s stories and voices that lurked in the shadows of the past. The epiphany she experienced while immersed in this particular book, The Mists of Avalon, is one she hopes to share with the readers of her own books, as she unearths important, but unknown, historical women from the detritus of the past and brings them into the light of modern day where their very contemporary contributions and issues can be explored.
Marie’s route to authorship was circuitous — involving a decade as a commercial litigator in New York City and failed aspirations at becoming an archaeologist — but now that she’s arrived, she is wasting no time in writing her narratively connected series of historical novels. Join us to learn more about Marie Benedict!

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