L. E. Smoot Memorial Library
F E A T U R E D   E V E N T
Camp Half-Blood

Friday, May 31, 1:00 PM
or call 540-775-2147.

Think you have what it takes to be a Greek hero?

Camp Half-Blood is a TWO DAY event. The first day will be at the library, while day two will take place at Sealston Elementary School.

Day One will be challenges from the different gods.


Day Two will be capture the flag.


Registration must include an email address! Before you come to the event, we are going to email a form you will need to bring for each child participating.

T-shirts will be made prior to the event. Each child will have to provide an orange t-shirt and the form we email will need to be returned with the shirt. We cannot accept forms by email, unless otherwise arranged with Erica.

This program is open to children ages 9-12 only. If you are a teen, and would like to participate, please contact Erica separately in order to be a volunteer.


For additional information regarding this program, please contact the Youth Services Librarian, Erica, at YSL1@smoot.org

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