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Speech Club for 2nd to 5th Graders

Wednesday, May 10, 4:30pm (May 3, 10 and 17, 4:30pm)
This Club is to help students learn to make and practice short speeches.  Club members will be given tips and tricks that will help them do just that.  We are hoping this will build member confidence and prepare them for making speeches at school and elswhere in the future.  The maximum speeches are 2nd graders 2 minutes, 3rd graders 3 minutes, 4th graders 4 minutes, and 5th graders 5 minutes.  The current schedule is as follows with future club meetings to be decided.  We hope you can join us at 4:00pm.
Topics to choose from:  Favorite sport or Global Warming
* May 3 - 4th and 5th graders 
Topics to choose from:  Favorite candy, Historical figure, or Favorite book or series
* May 10 - 2nd and 3rd graders
* May 17 - 4th and 5th graders
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