Using DNA to Explore Genetic Relationships (Frankfort)

Saturday, Oct. 9, 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
or call 765-654-8746.

Session 1:  Visualizing Your DNA Matches with Your Family Tree
Speaker:  Angela Guntz

Description:  This session will include an overview of how to effectively use AncestryDNA® groups and ThruLines™, and Lucidchart ( to explore how your matches are related to you and each other.  Angela will also demonstrate the Lucidchart tool to create lineage charts that can organize your results and help grow your genetic family tree.

Session 2:  Do’s and Don’ts for Using DNA as Proof
Speaker:  Ann Raymont, CG®

Description:  This session will discuss common issues and mistakes to avoid when trying to use DNA to prove a relationship.  Ann will share a case study to show how DNA results can be applied successfully to answer a genealogical question.

Session 3:  Examining DNA Results for Unknown Parentage
Speaker: Steven Frank

Description:  This session will examine problem solving skills needed when working with DNA results for unknown parentage.  Steve will discuss the process of identifying genetic networks and using DNA tools, such as, to predict how DNA matches are related, along with examples of resolving unknown biological matches.

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