TIL - INDIGIKNOW: Caring For Turtle Island - Land Stewardship and Creation Stories

Monday, Apr. 15, 5:30 pm

Participants will learn the belief of Indigenous people related to how we are all interconnected with all of creation and are called to care for and respect our environments.  The Creation Story of the Anishinaabe will be read.  This has been passed down through oral traditional and pictographic images.  Each participant will build a self contained tiny terrarium as an example of land stewardship.   Pizza will be provided.  This event runs from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.

Please pre-register by emailing iisannetwork@gmail.com

Walk ins will be accepted if there is space available.  No fee.  Appropriate for ages 6 - 16.

Brought to you by ISAN (Indigenous Solidarity and Awareness Network)




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