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JANUARY 16, 2010
Hot Tea Month

January is Hot Tea Month (from K-State Edu)

Truly Steeped in Tradition…
Yes, that perfect cup of tea is truly steeped in history and tradition. The Emperor of China was the first to enjoy the beverage created by steeping leaves from the herb Camelia Simensis plant nearly 5000 years ago. In colonial days, tea leaves were boiled at length to create a very bitter brew. This concoction of leaves that had been severely overcooked was then salted, buttered, and eaten.
Today tea is the world's second most popular beverage consumed, second only to water. It's easy to make, affordable, and offers variety in its flavors and aroma. Americans drink 50 billion cups of tea each year, 40 billion of which are served as iced tea.
 Tea Time Trivia…
·        The first tea bags were created by Thomas Sullivan in 1904, and made of
·        The difference between Black, Green, and Oolong tea is a result of the
         changes that occur during processing of the tea leaves. They are all made 
         from the same type of tea leaves.
         o       Black teas are fermented, left in a cool, dark, and damp place for 
                  a time,  and then heated to stop the fermentation process.
        o       Oolong teas are semi-fermented.
        o       Green teas are heated after picking…so there is no fermenting process.
·        Herbal teas are not actually teas, but are concoctions of peels, flower
         leaves, herbs, and spices, and are caffeine free.
·        The caffeine content of tea is 40 mg in one cup of tea as compared to 99
         mg of caffeine in a cup of coffee.
·        Black and Green teas contain a certain type of antioxidant called
·        To be labeled “decaffeinated,” the caffeine content per cup of tea must be
         approximately 5 mg. 
Here at the library we have a group that gets together to share coffee or tea. The Weekly Readers Coffee Club meets every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. They have coffee and tea together and share many yummy snacks. (I know first hand as I have sampled some of these goodies, which they have graciously shared with me.) Everyone is welcome to join this group. They may discuss books that they’ve read, share recipes, talk about the latest happenings, etc. Come join the group or bring a new friend to meet the others.  
Try this Capputeano
Now you can enjoy the mellow and milky taste of a cappuccino, but without the coffee. A bit of black tea, and some brown sugar make a nice alternative. Ingredients:
·                     2 cups milk
·                     2 tea bags, black
·                     3 tbs brown sugar
Heat milk and sugar together in a saucepan, almost to boiling. Remove from heat and add tea bags. Steep for 5 minutes. Remove tea bags and serve. Serves 2.

New Books at the library:
True Blue.                                  Baldacci, David
Breaking the Rules.                           Bradford, Barbara
Rainwater.                                    Brown, Sandra 
Nine Dragons.                                 Connelly, Michael
Once in a Blue Moon.                         Goudge, Eileen
U Is for Undertow.                            Grafton, Sue  
Dust to Dust.                                 Hoag, Tami    
Guilty As Sin.                                Hoag, Tami    
Ice.                                          Howard, Linda 
Fire and Ice.                                 Jance, Judith A
Trial by Fire.                                Jance, Judith A
Blood Game.                                   Johansen, Iris
A Stranger's Game.                            Johnston, Joan
Under the Dome.                               King, Stephen 
Silver Kiss.                                  Klause, Annette
Tempt Me at Twilight.                         Kleypas, Lisa  
30 Days of Night : Light of Day.              Mariotte, Jeff
Professional.                                 Parker, Robert
Spire: A Novel.                               Patterson, Rich
House of Reckoning: A Novel.                  Saul, John    
Change in Altitude: A Novel.                  Shreve, Anita 
Frostbite : A Werewolf Tale.                  Wellington, Dav

Until next time, Happy Reading!

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