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Keeping you up-to-date on what's happening at your library. We invite you to join in the conversation!
DECEMBER 22, 2008
Hard Times With our Economy

      With the economy the way that it is this can be a very stressful time in life.  Your library cares about the hard times that you may be experiencing and want you to know we are here to help you find ways to deal with these difficult times.  Remember how much your library can help you out as you’ve decided to get rid of certain extras in your home. We have high speed internet here at the library, we have 6 public computers for you to use, we offer wireless internet for those that have access to laptops. Who says you still can’t check your email or chat online to family just like you did in your home? We provide this service for you for free. Please feel free to stop in during business hours to use our computers or wireless internet. 

     We also know that many of you have given up buying books, books on tape or CD, magazine subscriptions, movies, & even cable TV. We have a wide variety of books, audios, magazine subscriptions for men, women, & children; and movies. All of the above is free with a library card. We know that at times we won’t have what you are looking for, but please let us know so that we can get you what you want- that’s why we’re here. We participate in the Interlibrary Loan program and we can borrow from many libraries in the state to get you what you need. For the most part, this service is free of charge to you.  

Children need education and entertainment and it’s important for it to be free.   We have many board games, learning kits, busy bags, & activities & programs that they can come participate in. We have:
Kids' First is our after school program for children who are in kindergarten on up. We meet every Tuesday from 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. We have stories, games, crafts, and a snack is provided.

Story hour is for 3, 4, & 5 yr. olds who are in preschool and this meets Tuesdays from 11:30-12:30 p.m. We have stories, games, finger plays, flannel boards, crafts, snack & drink.
“Teen Scene” is for the young adults- 10 yrs. on up.   We have that meets every 3rd Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. We will have our Christmas Party this Wednesday. December 17. They will have a merry time with their friends playing our Christmas games! 

 For the adults we have:
Scrapbooking: meets every other Tuesday of the month from 7 - 9 p.m. They will not meet till after the New Year.
Knitting/Crocheting Class/Group meet every other Tuesday from 7-8 p.m. If you are just starting out or would enjoy working with a group stop in. They will not meet till after the New Year.
Karen’s Coffee Clatch meets every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. for coffee, tea, friendship and fun. Stop in any time to join this friendly group.   If you have suggestions for other programs or activities please let us know.


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