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DECEMBER 8, 2010
Short Story Anthologies
 I admit, I am not a fan of the short story format.  I have no reason why, and one of my favorite books is Bruce Coville’s Odder than Ever stories (JF).  So, I have no excuse.  My partner, however, has become quite attached to the format.  As such he has been looking for short story anthologies for months.  He’s found some neat ones: science fiction collections, a collection about super heroes.  He started a recent YA collection Zombies vs Unicorns, but didn’t like it.

            Now that we are into the gift giving seasons, I thought, “AH HA!”  I knew just what to do and started looking for the obscure anthology.  Not the standard Norton’s or American Classic authors, but something with a unique theme. 

            I have found nothing.  Well, I have found nothing that jumps off the shelf or computer screen saying “Here I am! Read me!”  So, I offer it to you…
           Write me your suggestions!
And if you’d like a suggestion about what to read next, come check things out at the library!

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